Room Rent
In this webside application, a Room can be rented or borrowed from a location and returned to that location. This webside app is also used by Room schools for potential Room who don’t have a bicycle. In this application there are three modules namely, Admin, User and room. Admin can login using credentials. They can manage cycle stops by adding name and map pointing. Admin can also manage Room by adding, updating and deleting new Room, they can view Room and their current locations. Admin can view ride history and details. They can also view user details as well. User can register and login using credentials. User can edit their profile and change their passwords. User can also check current rides; they can book Room. User can view cycle list and book. They can also check pickup details. User can check on going, Previous and booking details of rides. They can search for drop stations and drop the cycle and finish ride.Room can login using credentials. They will send location updates.